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''Aftercare of your new tattoo/piercing is necesarry for a healthy healing process! Please read through the information we provide, use the buttons below to go directly to the information you seek.''



-The first night. You should sleep with the plastic foil or derma-shield on your new tattoo for protection during the first night. If you have the standard plastic foil, remove it the morning after. If you have the derma-shield on your tattoo, you can keep it on for up to 3 days, unless a lot of liquid has formed under or the derma-shield has pealed enough to allow air flow to your tattoo. If any of the two happens, take the derm-shield off and start the aftercare.

-Washing your tattoo. Gently wash your tattoo with fresh water, use a lukecold to cold temperature (shower normally). No soap is needed but if used, use an anti-bacterial and neutral soap. Wash your tattoo atleast 2-3 times a day and let air dry or gently pat your tattoo with some clean paper towel. 

-Moisturizer. After your tattoo is completely dry from washing, apply a very thin layer of antibacterial ointment/moisterizer 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. If you are unsure of what ointment/mositurizer to use, please contact our studio or your tattoo artist for their recommendation. Using a proper ointment/moisturizer is key to preserve the colors in your new  tattoo and to keep the skin from drying up under the healing process.

Scabs are a healthy part of the healing process. They protect the wound from dirt and microbes and reduce the risk of infection. A scab will typically fall off within a few days to a few weeks. Do not pick at this scab or you risk ink falling off with it! Let it fall off naturally.


-Bed sheets. It can be wise to change your bedsheets for the first night you sleep with the new tattoo uncovered, a lot of bacteria can collect in our bedsheets.


-DO NOT Scratch, itch or pick at your healing tattoo, you may loose ink and cause scarring to your healing tattoo.

-DO NOT Sunbathe or leave your tattoo exposed to sun light in longer periods or time under healing. This goes especially for solariums. Once your tattoo is healed you can expose it to sun, but we strongly reccomend you use a strong sunscreen/block protection on your healed tattoos. This helps keep the colors vibrant for much longer. The sun is your tattoo's worst enemy, so stay protected.

-NO Swimming in pools and fresh or salt water until your tattoo is fully healed. These types of places tend to collect a good ammount of bacteria you don't want to expose your new tattoo to.


-NEVER Touch your healing tattoo with un-washed hands, nor let anyone else touch your tattoo with un-washed hands. Always wash your hands before tending to your new tattoo.


-DO NOT Over-moisturize your tattoo at any time, always apply a thin layer (better to apply more othen than too much at once) Always use a moisturizer that is approved by your tattoo artist, some moisturizers can lead to more problems.


-NO PETS. We all love our pets, but pets harbor bacteria that can cause infection in an open wound. Pets instinctively lick their injuries as a way of providing comfort and healing. And if they can get to your new tattoo, they'll probably be tempted to try and comfort and heal you.





-Clean Hands. Remember to always wash your hands before touching your new piercing or the surrounding area. Never touch or let anyone else touch your new piercing with un-washed hands.


-Clean 2-3 times a day. Only wash the piercing with saltwater, other clensing solutions may be too strong and kill off healthy bacterias we need for healing. Pro tip: Soak a q-tip with saltwater and remove crusts from the area carefully, clean both back and front as well as the surrouding area.

-Avoid Bathing. No swimming in swimming pools, freshwater or saltwater until the piercing is fully healed. These areas tend to harbor a lot of bacteria you do not want in your new piercing.

No Makeup/Creams. No makeup or cream of any kind should be applied to the area of your new piercing until it's fully healed.

-Bed sheets. It's smart to change your bedsheets atleast once a week to help keep your piercing cleaner during your healing time. A lot of bacteria can collect in our bedsheets that you don't want your new piercing exposed to.


Oral Piercings:

- Mouth Wash. Wash 2-3 times a day with a mouth wash (without alcohol) and after every meal.


- Smoking/Drinking. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol until the piercing is fully healed. 


- Ice/Foods. Use a lot of ice to cool down your oral piercing and keep from swelling, Popsicles and icecream is a good choice. You might also find it difficult to eat certain things, try to choose foods that are soft and easy to eat for the first days of your healing process. 


Avoid clothing, bedding or fabric that can snag. Knitted fabrics are especially snag-worthy. For example, if you have a nose piercing avoid drying your face with a towel, but instead dab dry with a tissue paper.


Avoid rough contact. For example, sex, fun-play wrestling and contact sports (note: you can still be intimate, just be careful not to bump your piercing). The idea is not to accidentally hit or snag your piercing, not only will it be painful, but you can cause an irritation that could set the healing process back a few weeks.


Avoid oral contact with other people's bodily fluids. An open wound, like a piercing, is the perfect passage for bacteria, germs, infection and viruses to get into your body. So don't let anyone kiss your ear when you've got a new cartilage piercing! 


Avoid harsh cleansers like alcohol, peroxide and ointments. Never wash your new piercing with anything other than saltwater unless your piercer has adviced differently. Other ointments may be too strong and kill off healthy bacteria your piercing needs for healing.

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